연소 기술의 향상

로크웰 오토메이션은 고급 전산 유체 역학(CFD)을 활용하여 연소 성능을 최적화하고 배기 가스를 줄이며 열전달 효율성과 운영 신뢰성을 개선할 수 있도록 지원합니다. 로크웰 오토메이션의 CFD를 사용하면 시스템이 규제 요구 사항을 충족하는 동시에 지속 가능성 목표를 지원하여 성능과 안정성을 모두 제공할 수 있습니다.

연소 성능 최적화

최고의 연소 성능을 달성하는 것은 우수성에 대한 우리의 약속의 기본입니다. 매우 정확한 시뮬레이션을 사용하여 연료-공기 혼합, 화염 안정성 및 온도 분포의 중요한 요소를 미세 조정합니다. 비효율성을 제거하고 연소 반응을 최적화함으로써 운영 효율성을 높이고 장비의 수명을 연장할 수 있도록 지원합니다.

a row of rockets on a shelf

Emissions Reduction

Through comprehensive simulations, we predict the formation and distribution of pollutants during combustion, allowing us to take proactive measures to minimize environmental impact. With insights from CFD, our engineers design combustion systems that meet and exceed environmental regulations, developing solutions that significantly surpass industry standards.

Heat Transfer Analysis

By leveraging CFD for heat transfer analysis, our engineers gain insights into the intricacies of thermal dynamics within combustion systems. CFD simulations provide us with a mechanism to explore temperature distributions, thermal gradients, and heat transfer rates, allowing us to optimize heater and boiler designs to perform as intended over the life of the equipment.

Stress and Structural Analysis

Our engineers employ CFD and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to simulate the interplay of thermal stresses, pressure loads, and vibration. This allows us to design robust combustion equipment and predict and mitigate potential structural vulnerabilities so we can optimize designs to provide mechanical reliability for the equipment's lifetime.

Design Iterations and Prototyping

Utilizing CFD in design iterations accelerates product development and enhances the precision of our designs. Virtually testing and refining each iteration significantly reduces the need for physical prototypes, which minimizes development costs and allows us to deliver cutting-edge solutions to our customers more efficiently.

Fuel Injection and Atomization

Our engineers utilize CFD simulations to analyze and optimize fuel injection processes. By simulating the fuel injection and atomization processes in a virtual environment, we gain insights into the dynamics of fuel behavior. This enables us to design fuel nozzles that deliver fuel with precision and promote efficient and stable combustion.

Flame Shape and Stability

Through detailed CFD simulations, our engineers analyze the complex dynamics of flame behavior, developing combustion systems that exhibit stable and controlled flames under various operating conditions. This approach contributes to the overall reliability of our combustion equipment.

System Integration and Interaction

Utilizing CFD, we conduct comprehensive analyses of system integration and interaction. CFD simulations allow us to explore the intricacies of how different components interact within the combustion system. By virtually dissecting the system, our engineers gain insights into potential areas of improvement and optimization.