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MACT Testing & Compliance

John Zink has completed MACT inspections on more than 850 heaters and can put that experience to work for you. As required by standards, we inspect your burners and flame patterns, optimize CO emissions, and provide tune-up documentation. We also offer valuable services beyond MACT compliance to further optimize your equipment’s performance and operating costs.


Unmatched Experience and Expertise

John Zink is your trusted partner in achieving and maintaining MACT compliance for process heaters. As required by the standard, we inspect your burners and flame patterns, help you optimize your CO emissions, and provide tune-up documentation. 

With thousands of installations worldwide, John Zink has the knowledge and experience to develop effective compliance solutions tailored to your facility. Our team of engineers and field service technicians are highly skilled in conducting MACT inspections and optimizing combustion systems for maximum efficiency.

We make it easy to get your MACT inspection completed. As required, we can inspect your burners and flame patterns, help you optimize your CO emissions, and provide tune-up documentation. We also provide valuable services beyond MACT compliance issues to optimize your equipment performance and operating costs, including:

  • Troubleshooting for heater problems
  • Upgrade of combustion equipment
  • Modifications to control emissions
  • Operating procedure optimization
  • Energy efficiency improvements
  • Ongoing preventative maintenance 
  • Installation and support for effective emissions-reduction solutions including:
    • Low and ultra-low NOx burners
    • O2 trim systems
    •  Burner managements systems (BMS)

a smokestack with smoke coming out of it

What Is MACT Compliance?

MACT stands for Maximum Achievable Control Technology. Established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as part of the Clean Air Act Amendments, MACT regulations set specific emission control requirements for industrial processes that emit hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). These standards were established to protect human health and the environment by reducing emissions from industrial sources.

Turnaround Pre-inspection 

Our experts perform thorough inspections – or combustion surveys – prior to shutdown, providing concise reports that clearly identify parts that need to be replaced and any other services needed for optimum system performance. By scheduling this inspection at least three months to a year in advance of a planned turnaround, you can ensure the availability of the components needed to maintain the function of your equipment, as well as more accurately report the timing and budget of your turnaround. 

Spare Parts Supply & Identification

By using genuine John Zink parts, you are guaranteed interchangeability and the permanent availability of the parts you need. We offer a vast inventory of spares and replacement parts ready for immediate shipment, and our clear, convenient packing means you won’t waste time trying to identify parts.

On-Site Training

Thousands of professionals have attended the John Zink Institute to learn from industry leaders. But you don’t have to travel to gain that knowledge – we can bring a customized course to your facility. Our instructors will tailor the curriculum to your actual operating conditions and equipment, providing focused study for the practical implementation of our improvement suggestions. 

Why Choose John Zink?


With our extensive experience as a global leader in flare design, manufacture, and installation, we bring unmatched expertise to every inspection. Our team of industry experts understands the intricacies of flare components and ancillary equipment, enabling us to provide thorough and accurate assessments.

Cutting-edge Technology

We utilize Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), or drones, to inspect in-service flares. These drones capture high-quality, infrared images, providing a detailed view of flare conditions. Coupled with our expert analysis, these images offer the most valuable insights for your inspection needs.

Global Reach

With a global presence and thousands of employees worldwide, John Zink is equipped to deliver top-tier flare inspection services, no matter where your facility is located.

Partner With John Zink

No matter the market, John Zink has the field expertise and product catalog to deliver the parts and services you need to get the job done. If you’re looking for a reliable partner for advanced combustion solutions in your region, just reach out.