Course Schedule & Registration
Koch Engineered Solutions Institute (KESI) courses offer a unique combination of theory and practical application, designed to improve operator performance in the real world, not the classroom. Please continue to check the course schedule to see a full list of upcoming classes as not all courses are currently scheduled for upcoming dates. All courses will be taught in English, unless otherwise noted.
Spring 2025
- Course Name
- Process Burner Theory (PB155)
Process Burner Theory is an online course designed to provide some basic fundamentals of combustion, fluid flow, and heat transfer as they pertain to burners used in process heaters and furnaces. This course is designed to provide the student some of the basic information that will be required to take Practical Combustion for Fired Heaters (PB300). The course consists of approximately 16 modules which take approximately 15 minutes each to complete online.
- Practical Combustion for Fired Heaters (PB300)
Led by leading experts from John Zink, Koch Engineered Solutions, and other professionals from the industry, this comprehensive training course covers all aspects of process burners and their impact to heater operation, from introductory theory to advanced diagnostic techniques. The course begins with Process Burner Fundamentals, providing participants with a solid understanding of the essential theory and practical application of process burners in f ired heaters. Participants will then apply these basic concepts with the latest and most advanced diagnostics techniques for assessing burner and heater performance. Learners will achieve a good understanding of what causes burner flames to interact and the effect of having burners placed too close to each other and/or too close to the furnace walls or tubes and the impact that has on heater performance.
- Process Flares (FL102)
This course provides an introduction to the selection, operation and maintenance of offshore and onshore flare systems. It outlines the many different flare technologies available and the type of application each is most suited for. It will help the attendee understand how to control smoke, noise, radiation and flame luminosity. Attendees will also learn how to accurately evaluate the economics of replacements and retrofits. Students are invited to bring specific operating problems for one-on-one discussion with an Institute instructor or for discussion with a group of peers who have experienced similar situations at their facilities. Students will see flare demonstrations in a world-class flare test facility.
- Location
- Online
- Tulsa, OK
- Tulsa, OK
- Date
- Jan 1 - Jun 29, 2025
- April 14 - 17, 2025
- April 23 - 25, 2025
- Cost
- $375.00
- $2995.00
- $2295.00
Process Burner Theory (PB155)Online Jan 1 - Jun 29, 2025 $375.00 Register for Class
Process Burner Theory is an online course designed to provide some basic fundamentals of combustion, fluid flow, and heat transfer as they pertain to burners used in process heaters and furnaces. This course is designed to provide the student some of the basic information that will be required to take Practical Combustion for Fired Heaters (PB300). The course consists of approximately 16 modules which take approximately 15 minutes each to complete online.
Practical Combustion for Fired Heaters (PB300)Tulsa, OK April 14 - 17, 2025 $2995.00 Register for Class
Led by leading experts from John Zink, Koch Engineered Solutions, and other professionals from the industry, this comprehensive training course covers all aspects of process burners and their impact to heater operation, from introductory theory to advanced diagnostic techniques. The course begins with Process Burner Fundamentals, providing participants with a solid understanding of the essential theory and practical application of process burners in f ired heaters. Participants will then apply these basic concepts with the latest and most advanced diagnostics techniques for assessing burner and heater performance. Learners will achieve a good understanding of what causes burner flames to interact and the effect of having burners placed too close to each other and/or too close to the furnace walls or tubes and the impact that has on heater performance.
Process Flares (FL102)Tulsa, OK April 23 - 25, 2025 $2295.00 Register for Class
This course provides an introduction to the selection, operation and maintenance of offshore and onshore flare systems. It outlines the many different flare technologies available and the type of application each is most suited for. It will help the attendee understand how to control smoke, noise, radiation and flame luminosity. Attendees will also learn how to accurately evaluate the economics of replacements and retrofits. Students are invited to bring specific operating problems for one-on-one discussion with an Institute instructor or for discussion with a group of peers who have experienced similar situations at their facilities. Students will see flare demonstrations in a world-class flare test facility.
Fall 2025
- Course Name
- Process Burner Theory (PB155)
Process Burner Theory is an online course designed to provide some basic fundamentals of combustion, fluid flow, and heat transfer as they pertain to burners used in process heaters and furnaces. This course is designed to provide the student some of the basic information that will be required to take Practical Combustion for Fired Heaters (PB300). The course consists of approximately 16 modules which take approximately 15 minutes each to complete online.
- Combustion Seminar (PB161/FL117)
In this comprehensive seminar, we integrate content typically covered in both our Process Burners (PB161) and Flare Fundamentals (FL117) courses. This approach ensures participants receive a holistic understanding of combustion, from process burners to flare systems.
- Thermal Oxidizers (TO110)
This course focuses on gaseous and liquid waste thermal oxidizers, and covers a broad range of thermal oxidation topics beginning with thermal oxidation and combustion basics and advancing through the fundamental system types – sulfur, low-NOx, chlorinated and down-fired/salt. The course addresses CFD modeling, pre and post treatment, alternative technologies and control systems. Maintenance and aftermarket service are also discussed. Thermal oxidizer tests and demonstrations will be shown at John Zink’s state-of-the-art thermal oxidation test facility.
- Process Flares (FL102)
This course provides an introduction to the selection, operation and maintenance of offshore and onshore flare systems. It outlines the many different flare technologies available and the type of application each is most suited for. It will help the attendee understand how to control smoke, noise, radiation and flame luminosity. Attendees will also learn how to accurately evaluate the economics of replacements and retrofits. Students are invited to bring specific operating problems for one-on-one discussion with an Institute instructor or for discussion with a group of peers who have experienced similar situations at their facilities. Students will see flare demonstrations in a world-class flare test facility.
- Practical Combustion for Fired Heaters (PB300)
Led by leading experts from John Zink, Koch Engineered Solutions, and other professionals from the industry, this comprehensive training course covers all aspects of process burners and their impact to heater operation, from introductory theory to advanced diagnostic techniques. The course begins with Process Burner Fundamentals, providing participants with a solid understanding of the essential theory and practical application of process burners in f ired heaters. Participants will then apply these basic concepts with the latest and most advanced diagnostics techniques for assessing burner and heater performance. Learners will achieve a good understanding of what causes burner flames to interact and the effect of having burners placed too close to each other and/or too close to the furnace walls or tubes and the impact that has on heater performance.
- Biogas Systems (BG105)
Biogas Systems is taught by John Zink’s engineering and service personnel who work full time on biogas equipment. It is well balanced between classroom and hands-on training. The course includes in-depth discussions, demonstrations and witnessing an actual system check-out in John Zink's manufacturing facility.
- Vapor Control (VC106)
Vapor Control Systems is taught by our engineering and service personnel who work full time on vapor control equipment. This course is well-balanced between classroom and hands-on training. The course includes in-depth discussions, demonstrations, and visits to our manufacturing facility to see equipment before it’s shipped to the field.
- Location
- Online
- Luxembourg
- Tulsa, OK
- Tulsa, OK
- Tulsa, OK
- Tulsa, OK
- Tulsa, OK
- Date
- Jun 30 - Dec 31, 2025
- September 16 - 18, 2025
- September 22 - 23, 2025
- September 24 - 26, 2025
- Sep 29 - Oct 2, 2025
- October 21 - 22, 2025
- October 28 - 30, 2025
- Cost
- $375.00
- €2195.00
- $1795.00
- $2295.00
- $2995.00
- $1295.00
- $2295.00
Process Burner Theory (PB155)Online Jun 30 - Dec 31, 2025 $375.00 Register for Class
Process Burner Theory is an online course designed to provide some basic fundamentals of combustion, fluid flow, and heat transfer as they pertain to burners used in process heaters and furnaces. This course is designed to provide the student some of the basic information that will be required to take Practical Combustion for Fired Heaters (PB300). The course consists of approximately 16 modules which take approximately 15 minutes each to complete online.
Combustion Seminar (PB161/FL117)Luxembourg September 16 - 18, 2025 €2195.00 Register for Class
In this comprehensive seminar, we integrate content typically covered in both our Process Burners (PB161) and Flare Fundamentals (FL117) courses. This approach ensures participants receive a holistic understanding of combustion, from process burners to flare systems.
Thermal Oxidizers (TO110)Tulsa, OK September 22 - 23, 2025 $1795.00 Register for Class
This course focuses on gaseous and liquid waste thermal oxidizers, and covers a broad range of thermal oxidation topics beginning with thermal oxidation and combustion basics and advancing through the fundamental system types – sulfur, low-NOx, chlorinated and down-fired/salt. The course addresses CFD modeling, pre and post treatment, alternative technologies and control systems. Maintenance and aftermarket service are also discussed. Thermal oxidizer tests and demonstrations will be shown at John Zink’s state-of-the-art thermal oxidation test facility.
Process Flares (FL102)Tulsa, OK September 24 - 26, 2025 $2295.00 Register for Class
This course provides an introduction to the selection, operation and maintenance of offshore and onshore flare systems. It outlines the many different flare technologies available and the type of application each is most suited for. It will help the attendee understand how to control smoke, noise, radiation and flame luminosity. Attendees will also learn how to accurately evaluate the economics of replacements and retrofits. Students are invited to bring specific operating problems for one-on-one discussion with an Institute instructor or for discussion with a group of peers who have experienced similar situations at their facilities. Students will see flare demonstrations in a world-class flare test facility.
Practical Combustion for Fired Heaters (PB300)Tulsa, OK Sep 29 - Oct 2, 2025 $2995.00 Register for Class
Led by leading experts from John Zink, Koch Engineered Solutions, and other professionals from the industry, this comprehensive training course covers all aspects of process burners and their impact to heater operation, from introductory theory to advanced diagnostic techniques. The course begins with Process Burner Fundamentals, providing participants with a solid understanding of the essential theory and practical application of process burners in f ired heaters. Participants will then apply these basic concepts with the latest and most advanced diagnostics techniques for assessing burner and heater performance. Learners will achieve a good understanding of what causes burner flames to interact and the effect of having burners placed too close to each other and/or too close to the furnace walls or tubes and the impact that has on heater performance.
Biogas Systems (BG105)Tulsa, OK October 21 - 22, 2025 $1295.00 Register for Class
Biogas Systems is taught by John Zink’s engineering and service personnel who work full time on biogas equipment. It is well balanced between classroom and hands-on training. The course includes in-depth discussions, demonstrations and witnessing an actual system check-out in John Zink's manufacturing facility.
Vapor Control (VC106)Tulsa, OK October 28 - 30, 2025 $2295.00 Register for Class
Vapor Control Systems is taught by our engineering and service personnel who work full time on vapor control equipment. This course is well-balanced between classroom and hands-on training. The course includes in-depth discussions, demonstrations, and visits to our manufacturing facility to see equipment before it’s shipped to the field.